Beloved nine. Where do I begin? My Triumphant return to the city? My rightful place as a GM? The rash that finally cleared up?
And what better way to commemorate my resumed schedule of consistent, informative reviews than starting with one long over due: Gramercy Tavern! Goodness gracious, so much to say, so much to say. Firstly, when glancing at the menu, yes those prices are inflated. Fret not! You're not supposed to tip. That's right, salaried, normal waiters. For years I've lamented how the service industry eats a shit sandwich, and how being a waiter is somehow associated with a non-committal stepping stone towards a "respectable" career. As though making thousands a week with a flexible schedule is somehow reserved for schmucks. Who's the schmuck now? Who?
I went here with the second wife and her husband, for a delectable meal of overtly sophisticated fair. The food? Just fine. There's a lot going on with the menu, which I presume changes from time to time. Asian? Pork Dumplings in a broth. Italian? Flatbread appetizer. Steaks/Chops vibe? Oysters in the half shell. American cuisine? Artic Char. Herpes? It cleared up people! Dear God on and on with the herpes. Nonetheless, the food is exactly what you'd expect from an establishment this, well, established though I for one would like to know what type of fare I'm eating.
More surprising was the light-footed happy-go-lucky waitstaff, waltzing around the dining room with a gait that I could only describe as vindicated. What a perfect compliment to coming back in the city. It's as though they knew I was coming....
But wait a minute Iconman! You reviewed this place already you dumb hack! How could you double dip like that? To be honest, beloved nine, I completely forgot. And to be fair to myself, I must say that I still didn't shit myself on the cuisine. I do applaud Meyer for taking the plunge on the waitstaff, so consider this an update of sorts.
7 hours ago
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