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I don't know if this is the post I should discuss the fact that Google has completely changed the blog format, added a locations tab, label tab, and all sorts of other shit that I feel compelled to use to keep up with the ever changing landscape that is technology, but since I've started with such a long run-on sentence I might as well forge ahead. I suppose I will use the map feature. I'm not sure why I would label it, or schedule it, but okay. For someone like me, that is someone who is definitely behind when it comes to technology, the ongoing evolution of Google, and email, and Apple totally sucks. Just when I get used to something they change it in a completely unapologetic fashion. I digress, the point is Google has given me absolutely no choice. Like the crack dealers of the late eighties, they lured me in and now I'm hooked.
Ethos, is Greek. Very Greek. I should have realized this with the 18-year-old hostess who, with high heels and short skirt caught my attention right away. She had this nubile I'm-the-daughter-of-the-owner thing going on that was nothing short of a perfect first impression. What made the lasting impression, however, was the monobrow stretching from one eye to the other. I was there with my wife and some friends, one of whom is a burnout Israili with the coolest pot smoking contraption ever (An Atmos). And we all took a beat at the monobrow.
We decided to share a bunch of stuff, and it was all fresh, Mediterranean lightness: olive oil, lemon, grilled food. I feel like they only had grilled fish on the menu all prepared one way: with olive oil and lemon. And not to be overtly redundant, but guess what we had? Grilled white fish with lemon and olive oil. We also had a big greek salad that the Israeli ordered. It was gigantic. He ate most of it. The food was pretty good, the service professional enough (they even snuck the Israeli and I, who have the collective subtlety of a rocket launcher shots of tequila while our wives were in the can) though I'm pretty sure one of the guys was banging the monobrow at the front door.
What else do you want? It's on 51st and 2nd (check the location). I'm not exactly sure why we went here to begin with, it was really one of those restaurants in NYC that the neighbors all go to but that you'll never go to again. I'll always remember that mono-brow. Damn, it was unsightly.
1 day ago
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