Sunday, November 12, 2017

Mohunk Mountain House--NY


When I heard about this place I figured we'd take a nice, rustic, quiet weekend at what looked to be a hidden gem of a family friendly trip.  Then after scant research, I realized that there's no way we could afford $1,100 a room.

So, we opted to piss away slightly less money and drag our two small children up to the most expensive buffet lunch in history.  After getting passed the front gate--and the only way to prevent people from avoiding the food and beverage extortion, you take a very scenic drive up a windy mount road to a staggering reveal of the house.   And given that introduction, I started to wonder if the price was worth it.

The place was clean, but refurbished twenty years ago.  Upon scrutiny, the cheesy faux-rustic creeps out but is not remotely cool, as though it was a deluxe Marriot with zero soul or genuineness. This poorly outfitted retro only advertised the fact that it was clearly a money maker--an inauthentic rustic vibe fabricated to fool the masses.  There were day time conferences, bachelor parties, and the unmistakable garb and odor of European travelers all duped by the views.

The lunch was laughable.  Similar to the decor, the buffet looked just a touch antiquated and the food had a stale and un-fresh quality; barely over the bar set by school cafeterias.  If I were paying, say, $15 a head for this buffet, I'd be content with the views and crappy volley ball courts.  But you're there for the pristine quality of the lake and hiking, that's what your paying for not the hotel or the food, and in that regard I'm not sure the views are worth it.