So beloved nine, I'm sure you've noticed that my departure from the city has created a vacuum in reliable NYC restaurant posts. And though in recent years I would throw in the random destination here or there, it would be to demonstrate merely how cool and well traveled I am or to blast some place for not being in NYC. Now, stuck in the burbs, I must succumb like millions, if not billions of people, to average food served by average people in average towns. I vow to you, beloved nine, that I will continue to seek out the best of the best, and will limit my posts to those places that truly make a mark on my palate, or give me a boner, or both.
Sadly, this place is not one of those places. You should be weary of a wine list that carries all of the wine from one vineyard in California. You should be more weary of the wine list saying they have Super Tuscan wines from California. And when you call out the innocently uneducated vinophile discussing the list, and she comes back moments later with a "gotcha" pointing out the bottle says Tuscan Style, you should pack up your things and go.
If you need more, say the food or decor or anything like that, know that my bill was well over $75 a person, and we each had a pasta. This is fine dining in the Suburbs. I can't say much about the food. The fact that I don't even bother finding the name, phone number, or website of this restaurant should just about sum it up.
Like I said, it may be a while as I'm only going to write about places that have something to offer. No one likes a wet blanket.
4 hours ago